Thursday, May 1, 2008

Trees in the Street


I took this because it reminded me of Minneapolis. I also enjoyed seeing Domino's next to the convenience store. This is on Aoba Street.


  1. It appears to be raining much...great does look very modern.

  2. Aoba-dori street was one of our favorites even when it was dusty and had no traffic anywhere. Times have really changed.

  3. Wow, looks like home! ;^) It's raining here in Seattle today, too.
    It's my first chance to pop by and say hi to you and to wish you well in your blogging adventures with CDPB! Of course Abe lived over there and has told us about his time in Japan. I guess Sendai, like everyplace else, is a bustling contemporary place. I just peeked at all your entries and you have a wonderful eye for great photos. I'll look forward to visiting through your lens. Happy Saturday!
    Seattle Daily Photo

  4. Domino's pizza? I didn't know there was Domino's in Japan.
