Friday, March 9, 2012



There is a lot of road construction happening over in this area so it looks empty in places.


  1. I just watched the tsunami hit Sendai after the earthquake. I didn't recognize much of it as the city was tiny when I was there in 1953-56. Someone asked me if I wanted anything left in the fields and i said some small cup and they sent me a small cup found in a farmer's field. I still have it on a shelf with a note inside telling people in the future where it came from.

    PS: I really think comments are way down because people have turned Word Verification on. It is too hard to try to decipher the words so I usually don't stop and comment anymore. I know a lot of my friends won't go to a blog that has Word Verification enabled.

    1. Do you have a picture of the cup? That is an interesting story.

      Since we are coming up on one year, there are stories and images of it everyday here. I didn't think it would bother me, but now that it has been one year, many bottled up emotions are coming back to me - and I wasn't even at the coast!

      Comments are way down. Maybe I should put a badge saying I don't have Word Verification.
