Saturday, September 24, 2011

Rice Morning

Rice Morning

It was a beautiful morning and on the way to work I drove by this field that was shining in the sun. It looks like it is harvest season.


  1. It's interesting how harvest times vary in Japan. Here, in southernmost Chiba were the climate is warmer in the winter, the rice was harvested two weeks ago. Also, some varieties are left in the fields longer. I've cycled through these fields all summer and the changing colors are truly a feast for the eyes. Thanks for posting this shot.

  2. Thank you. The people in the field enjoyed the view too.

  3. I wish I knew what kind of rice this is - it might say it on the JA inspection signs in the fields. Better yet, I would like to know where I can buy this.

  4. Beautiful shot and looks so golden in colour :)

  5. I'm not sure if that gold is from the sun, or if I pushed the white balance too far. This is how I remember it though.

  6. Very beautiful imagery. Nice photo.
