Monday, March 28, 2011

The Unknown Samurai


Another picture I took on the day I was out playing with my new lens. I can never remember this guy's name. Mura ---


  1. I just found your blog on CDP, and wonder how I missed it before. Please be kind enough to email me (my address is on my profile or listed as a member of CDP) because I am very curious about your blog and your whereabouts. I don't have a Twitter acct. as you indicated as a means of communication...don't intend to get one either so I hope to hear from you. Thanks.

  2. I also remember that I found out who this was in the past but I don't remember the name either. I posted the photo once on Samurai Archives and some told me who it was but that was a while ago.

  3. Yeah, you called me out before. I will do more digging when I get back.
