Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Amway in Sendai

Amway in Sendai

Amway made it to Japan. Now I have one more reason to not answer my door.

When I was a recent grad looking for a job, I somehow met a guy who was looking for an "internet marketer". So the guy wanted to meet up at a Perkins to discuss what he had in mind and being in job-search mode, I was willing to listen. We met at a family restaurant and before long the word "Amway" slipped out. It wasn't long before I was out of there too.


  1. A few years ago I met some people who introduced me to a "great" business called Qixtar. Then I found out it was Amway's internet business and that the business concept was crap.

  2. I don't remember what the name of the company that I was introduced to was called. But it was a pyramid nonetheless.

  3. Funny...=D As a woman I was attacked by make-up companies many times.

  4. I'm hoping they act a little differently in Japan.
