Sunday, December 9, 2012

The Cigarette Shoppe


In the back alleys of Kokubuncho where all action happens at night, there are many side businesses to accompany the bar and nightlife businesses.

There are grocery stores for restaurants and bars just in case they run out of something. There are flower shops so people can buy their favorite hostess a bouquet. And there are tobacco shops that have windows full of cigarettes like this one.

In the last ten years, cigarette prices have doubled.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


写真 (2)

I pointed the iPhone right at the sun. I think it handled pretty well.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Street Marketing


I have to remember to point my camera a little more downwards. This is a guy whose job it is to get people on the street to come into the restaurant he works for.

Yes, it is annoying.